Date |
Time |
Room |
Speaker (click on title for abstract) |
Tues. Feb. 11 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Cranston, VCU
An Introduction to Discharging: light subgraphs in planar graphs |
Tues. Feb. 18 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Cranston, VCU
Coloring planar graphs via Discharging |
Tues. Feb. 25 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Cranston, VCU
Star-coloring planar graphs with
high girth |
Tues. Mar. 4 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Chris Manon, George Mason
The combinatorics of Newton Okounkov
bodies associated to moduli spaces of vector
bundles |
Tues. Mar. 11 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Spring Break
Tues. Mar. 18 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Abay-Asmerom, VCU
An Excursion into the World of Semi-Strong Product Graphs |
Tues. Mar. 25 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Hammack, VCU
Did Caravaggio Use a Camera? |
Tues. Apr. 1 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Craig Larson, VCU
Automated Conjecture-making
and the Independence Number of a Graph |
Tues. Apr. 8 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Patrick Gaskill, VCU
The Lovasz Number of a Graph |
Tues. Apr. 15 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Hernan Abeledo, George Washington
The Clar and Fries problems of plane bipartite graphs |
Tues. Apr. 22 |
12:30-1:20 |
Harris 4119 |
Cristina Mullican, VCU
Characterizing Cancellation Graphs |